City centre intersection soil stabilization works
The client had a pressing need to construct new underground chambers to accommodate utilities. Positioned adjacent to the existing chambers, the new chamber required a depth one meter deeper than the current ones. However, this posed a considerable risk during excavation, as there was a looming threat of the old chambers subsiding. The proximity of the new construction to the existing infrastructure heightened concerns about potential structural instability and operational disruptions. Thus, meticulous planning and strategic execution were paramount to mitigate these risks and ensure the successful completion of the project while safeguarding the integrity of the surrounding infrastructure.
URETEK conducted soil stabilization beneath the existing chambers, reaching depths of up to 1.5 meters below the chamber base to prevent soil collapse. The client excavated the soil up to the chamber base, allowing Uretek to install injection pipes precisely where soil stabilization was necessary. This collaborative effort ensured targeted reinforcement of the soil, mitigating the risk of subsidence and enhancing the stability of the underground infrastructure.
Uretek completed the entire job within a single workday, enabling the client to commence excavation and installation of new chambers the following day. Remarkably, the soil beneath the existing chambers remained intact, thanks to URETEK effective stabilization efforts. This swift turnaround not only minimized downtime for the client but also ensured a seamless progression of the project without any disruptions due to soil subsidence.