Re-levelling and stabilizing the soil of a subsided monument Keywords Geopolymers Memorial Subsoil compaction Subsoil stabilisation
Soil compaction and foundation stabilization of Mooste grain dryer Keywords Flooding of aggregate Geopolymers Groundwater Subsoil compaction Subsoil stabilisation
Foundation strengthening and soil stabilization of the historic tavern building in Haapsalu Keywords Foundation Foundation subsidence Geopolymers Subsoil stabilisation
Lifting of concrete slabs and soil compaction at Vao Agro silo storage Keywords Compaction of silo storage soil Geopolymers Increasing soil bearing capacity Lifting silo storage Lifting the silo storage foundation Reinforcement of silo storage soil Renovation of silo storage foundations Silo storage concrete floor Silo storage foundation Silo storage racks Silo storage soil stabilisation Silo storage subsidence Soil bearing capacity Structure subsidence Subsidence of silo storage concrete slabs Subsidence of the silo storage foundation Subsoil stabilisation
The subsided concrete floor relevelling and the soil stabilization at the Vao Agro milking parlour Keywords concrete floor stabilization Lifting concrete floor Lifting the concrete floor of an agricultural building Lifting the foundations Lifting the foundations of an agricultural building Re-loading of concrete floor Renovation of foundations Resurfacing of the concrete floor of an agricultural building Sinking of the foundation of an agricultural building soil compaction Strengthening the foundation Subsided concrete floor Subsidence of an agricultural building Subsidence of the concrete floor of an agricultural building Subsoil stabilisation
Raising the subsided concrete floor of the warehouse of the Prisma shopping center Keywords concrete floor stabilization concrete floor subsidence Increasing soil bearing capacity Lifting concrete floor Re-loading of concrete floor Shopping centre concrete floor soil compaction Soil stabilisation of a shopping centre soil subsidence Structure subsidence Subsoil stabilisation
Soil stabilization and floor relevelling at the Haapsalu Door Factory building Keywords concrete floor stabilization concrete floor subsidence foundation stabilisation Foundation subsidence Lifting concrete floor Lifting the foundations of a warehouse Re-loading of concrete floor Reinforcement of warehouse soil soil compaction Subsoil stabilisation
Soil stabilization of an animal waste processing factory Keywords Increasing soil bearing capacity soil compaction Structure subsidence Subsoil stabilisation
Raising the subsided floor of a private house, compacting the soil and stabilizing the foundation Keywords concrete floor subsidence Foundation restoration Foundation subsidence Groundwater House lifting House subsidence Lifting concrete floor Lifting the foundation Residential House Soil bearing capacity soil compaction Strengthening the foundation Subsoil stabilisation
Restoring the bearing capacity of the subsoil of the foundation of a car repair workshop Keywords foundation stabilisation Foundation subsidence Stabilisation of the workshop foundations Strengthening the foundations of the workshop Structure subsidence Subsoil stabilisation